Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's Get It Together

When I first started writing in the blog back in January (wow, January…I have been here since January!!) I had an entry for every day. Soon that was reduced to every other day to once a week. My last couple of entries have come rather sporadically.  My last entry in the blog being almost two months ago, I it has been an event filled last couple of months.  I have not lost my motivation for writing or my passion for telling my story-instead I have become almost at once, busy. I had the pleasure of meeting  Mrs. Nada ElHarake (Lynn’s mother) 3 weeks ago. She was here visiting her daughter and to help her with her fashion show. As one of my most avid readers, she told me that I had not posted a blog in a while and that she enjoys reading them. I actually started composing my next entry; however, was side tracked by the daily demands of school and other projects I have going on. So….I apologize. It’s amazing how you can write something and so many people or so little people can read it. While I’m at school I read the local newspaper and almost every day there is an article about the how Malaysia wants to be a “major power” in education and economy by 2020. There are many articles about how English needs to be taught more efficiently within the schools at all levels.  Then I flip the page and read about how a transsexual who recently passed was not granted the right to change his name to a female name.  Syrian troops move in and kill more rebels, Mubarak is awaiting trial, London riots because a man was shot and they are unhappy with the government and a serial killer kills over 70 people in a massacre in Norway. Controversies, scandal, violence, hate-all of which are monopolizing the headlines. I wonder how many people read this paper or any news media outlet. Many times what people read is taken, considered and analyzed and then acted upon prematurely because there is only one source that they are considering. I have touched on this before and how it can lead to being closed minded or miss-educated. Therein lays a problem-a problem that is just not indicative of Malaysia but the entire world. Every time I turn on the TV, there is some story about a major financial, civil, environmental issue that is changing the world for the worse. I have come to the realization that the world is in trouble. The U.S., Syria, Libya, East Africa, Norway, Korea, parts of the UK, Brazil of late, Mexico, Chile and the middle East have all recently been in the headlines for having civil, financial crisis and/or environmental issues surrounding them. The world is………TRIPPIN!!!! Seriously, we as human beings have got to find a peace because where we are heading now we will all be in trouble.

 Being in Malaysia has certainly allowed me to get a different perspective on the world. Since arriving in January (again I’ve been here for 7+ months….wow) there has been an increasing amount of knowledge gained about the world solely because here perspective and reason is different from that of mine or that I hear back at home . With that being said, I have learned that no matter what media outlets are available to people the best source of understanding information is yourself. And not just understanding one source but MULTIPLE SOURCES. Sometimes, I will hear about an event from a student or local while I’m “shooting the breeze” and go back and watch the story on the news or read it in the paper. The majority of the time the stories do contrast in great detail. This is how information is wrongly transitioned from media outlet to person, vice versa or person to person. Educate yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you AGAIN
    Take care bud
    Miss you
