Monday, January 24, 2011

Those are WHAT?1?!?!?!?!? you sure??


 Today as a part of our Bahasa lessons we did a scavenger hunt in the Central Market. The Central Market is right down the street from our hotel which is in walking distance; however, they insisted that we "travel in style" so we have our own bus and driver(VVIP). On the way to the market, we stopped at a outdoor strip of shops which sold the traditional garb of Malaysia. This we needed for our Handing Over Ceremony. There were all types of beautiful materials and shirts/dresses that were presented to us. What they should've done was presented us a better price. I think since they knew we were foreigners they tried to get us with the okie-doke. It wasn't happening! The scavenger hunt went well and we found everything we needed and things that we didnt including eels and bats. Now, upon first sight they looked like snakes which as you can imagine was quite alarming to the foreigners who are not used to seeing live eels in a bucket. We all thought they were snakes. "Those are what?!!?! You sure??" we asked as if the guy who was selling them didn't know. "Yea man, I'm sure. They taste great with Nasi Goreng(fried rice)" he replied. "No suuuuuuuuuuuuh" I answered.

Once we arrived back at the hotel, we met our mentors!! FINALLY, some clarification on just what the heck was going on and more specific details. Mrs. Zurina or Teacher Zurina was very nice and sweet. We talked about everything that pertained to my school day, transportation, and living accommodations. I will be teaching in the oldest school in the whole state of Terengganu and I am the first male ETA in the school's 6 year history of ETA's so I am a pioneer in a respect. She told me of her expectations of me and my influence on the school and I did also. We were on the same page. I could tell right off back that we were going to get along well and work great together. She also informed me of a wedding that I was invited to. Get out the Batik(traditional shirt for Malaysian men)!! We had a very productive meeting and both walked away pleased with the other!!


Teacher Zurina came to visit and discuss missed topics yesterday today and we got some other important things clarified pertaining to my experience. I showed her some pics of family and friends for most of the time and we just laughed and shared experiences. It was mayhem in the conference room for a while because there needed to be clarification on our expenses and living arrangements BUT we got it straight. Teacher Zurina told me that she would take me to get a Batik for our ceremony  so I'm looking foward to that; it'll be good to hang out with her outside of a formal setting.
Afterwords, I decided to go look at our apartments where myself and a couple other ETAs will be staying and I was craving a pizza and Mckie D's. We stopped there and Pizza hut in the Giant supermarket and ate good. THANK YOU

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